Why Trulu?

Leveraging your data for the well-being of your practice and your patients

When properly studied, data provides insightful information that can be used to improve business models, clinical outcomes, and patient care.

Every healthcare practice, just like the human body, is unique and needs a tailored approach to caring for and maintaining its health. We offer customized solutions that specifically cater to and address the needs of your individual practice and patient population.

How do we use data to keep organizations well?

Just like any good provider treats a patient, we listen and we study.
We customize our solutions in 3 main ways:
Quality Assurance, Data Analysis and
Business Transformation


We ensure that organizations meet regulatory compliance standards, perform operational assessments, and keep the health of their organization in check.

Operational Assessments

Whether planning a comprehensive assessment or a more focused one, we can help. We use a systematic approach to measure, track, monitor data and provide strategies to continuously improve efficiency and quality.

HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA compliance is essential for any organization that deals with Protected Health Information (PHI). Let us conduct a risk assessment to ensure you are HIPPA compliant.

Regulatory Compliance

Develop a healthcare compliance plan and program customized to your organization and ensure that business practices are aligned with existing regulatory compliance standards.

Survey Readiness

By conducting mock surveys, we provide support with survey preparation, industry updates and a long-term strategy for a successful survey outcome. 

Chart Auditing

Chart auditing allows service organizations to check their own performance, determine how they're doing and identify areas where they might improve.

DRVS Map & Review

Our team of experts can recommend best practices for input of structured data fields, mapping and analytics to help drive quality improvement at your organization.


We excel at data interpretation and optimization, utilizing DBT to provide more reliable analysis and help healthcare practices to optimize workflow, improve quality of care, lower the cost of care, and enhance the patient experience.

Uniform Data System (UDS)

Our team of experts can help streamline data collection, reporting, improve data accuracy and keep your organization compliant with existing regulations.

Data Extraction and Submission

We can help your organization gather the data from inpatient and outpatient systems needed to track, trend, and report clinical, financial, business and administrative data.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Let us help you make data-driven decisions about how to expand your services or reach new populations, achieve better outcomes for your patients and further your mission of providing high-quality care in the communities you serve.

Machine Learning

With the help of natural language processing, our team uses machine learning and rearranges data into more structured sets that healthcare professionals can quickly glean actionable insights from.


We refine organizations through process and policy improvement using Lean Six Sigma training, as well as strategic planning, and unparalleled project management.


Whether you’re creating a new strategic plan from scratch or you are struggling with an old plan, we can help identify necessary actions to reach your objectives.

Process Improvement

Our team of experts can guide your organization to adopt lean principles, use data and analytics based methodology to help improve the quality of care and build efficient, effective processes.

Policy and Procedure Writing

By using thoroughly researched content, we can help review existing policies or draft new policies and procedures to ensure compliance and to correct inconsistencies.

Project Management

In an industry that is changing and growing at an astounding pace, our project management services can offer structure and help control costs, reduce risk, and improve quality of patient care.


We are a team of highly trained professionals with over twenty years of experience in the healthcare field.

We know this industry well and are dedicated to being a partner in your practice’s success.
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What People Say About Us

“Neelam's work ethic is commendable, and her commitment to achieving results is unwavering. She is a highly motivated individual who is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that her work is completed to the highest standard. Her positive attitude and friendly demeanor make her a pleasure to work with.”

Justin Copeland
President, Triggerfish Corporation

“Neelam Rana is an outstanding professional who is committed to delivering exceptional service to her clients. I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking a knowledgeable and reliable partner in their business endeavors.”

Lasha Dalakishvili
Owner, Offsite Image Management, Inc.

"During my working relationship with Neelam over the past 13 years, I have witnessed her to be a very experienced and highly motivated professional, who consistently delivers results and provides out-of-the-box solutions to drive quality improvement, process improvement, and risk mitigation initiatives."

Noelle Parker, MBA, CMPE, PCMH-CCE
Senior Director, Community Asset Builders, LLC